PDC Waterloo
Waterloo, Iowa| August 12-15, 2024
A development and training hockey camp for aspiring, competitive youth hockey players.
2024 Main Camp Details
WHO: Boys & Girls: Squirt/10U, Peewee/12U, Bantam/14U
WHEN: August 12th – 15th, 2024
WHERE: Young Arena, 125 Commercial St, Waterloo, IA, 50613
TIME: 9am–1pm (approx. schedule – subject to change)
COST: $400 Skaters | $350 Goalies (Cost per player)
Family discounts are available – Contact Us
– Off-Ice strength & conditioning
– Athletic Enhancement
– On-Ice skills development
– Small Area Games
– Situational /Scrimmage settings
– Lunch
– Jersey
2024 Mite Camp Details
WHO: Boys & Girls: Mite/6U+8U
WHEN: August 12th -15th, 2024
WHERE: Young Arena, 125 Commercial St, Waterloo, IA, 50613
TIME: 1–2pm (approx. schedule – subject to change)
COST: $100 Skaters and Goalies (Cost per player)
– 1 Hour of Ice Each Day
– Skating Fundamentals & Skills
– Jersey
Registration groups will be based upon the player’s competition level for the 2024-2025 season and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Read all descriptions and details pertaining to Camp.
- Fill out this form to provide us with your information, as well as your player(s).
- Submit payment via one of the methods outlined.
- Submit completed liability waiver and release + code of conduct.
- Email documents to [email protected].
Important Notes
- You are responsible for providing appropriate hockey equipment for the Camp, with the exception of hockey pucks.
- You are aware that PDC – Waterloo (Twin Ports Pro Development Camp, LLC) is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items during the Camp.
- If the player being registered has any known food allergies, you will note so and provide details in the registration form.
- Twin Ports PDC has a $100 non-refundable deposit policy. This policy is in place to ensure player(s) position in camp and provide coverage of basic expenses committed to PDC – Waterloo upon registration of a participant.
- The schedule is dependent on total camp participation numbers and will not be officially set until closer to the camp start date. Expect campers to be at camp daily for approximately 4 hours (morning to afternoon).
The registration process is not complete until:
- You consent to first aid and/or medical treatment in the event the Camp determines it is appropriate; this is assumed by signing the Liability Waiver and Release.
- You have either:
– Executed the Liability Waiver and Release
– Negotiated an alternative Waiver and Release;
– Agreed to pay an additional registration fee of $500.00 + agree to pay any lawyer or arbitration fees of Twin Ports Pro Development Camp LLC should you file a dispute against;- For non-execution of a Waiver and Release,
- You have provided an executed Code of Conduct;
- The full registration fee has been paid.
- For non-execution of a Waiver and Release,
To speed up the registration process, please submit a scanned copy of the completed Liability Waiver and Release, and completed Code of Conduct via email to [email protected] or bring these items with you to Camp registration. PLEASE NOTE: your athlete(s) will not be able to participate if these items are not provided prior to the start of Camp.
Download the Liability Waiver and Release + Code of Conduct >>
Payment Methods
Made out to Twin Ports PDC
Brett Olson – PDC Waterloo
1112 Loren Drive
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Checks must be received within 7-10 days of registering to ensure your player’s spot in camp.
OPTION 1: VENMO @twinportspdc
Please make payment immediately upon registering.
Pay in full: Skaters – $400 / Goalies – $350 / Mites – $100
Pay in two installments: Skaters – $100 & $300 or $200 & $200 / Goalies – $100 & $250 or $175 & $175 / Not available for Mites
Completed full payment must be received before the start of Camp in order for player(s) participation.
Please note on Check or in Venmo which player(s) payment is being paid for and state “Twin Ports PDC.”
*$100 of your payment (whether paying in full or in two installments) is non-refundable and ensures your participant’s registered spot in Camp.
Camp Photos
PDC Waterloo Staff

Gavyn Thoreson
Andover, Minnesota

Teddy Townsend
Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Jackson Nevers
Edina, Minnesota

Niko Goich
Homer Glen, Illinois

Justin Greene
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Waterloo Warriors High School

Hunter Lellig
Waterloo, Iowa
Camp Sponsor